Your city:

Promote Your Business with ALANYA GO

Visits per day
Downloads per month
Female Audience
Male Audience
Enhance image and recognition
Increase product and service sales
Maximum coverage in the city
Develop tourism and real estate sales
Number 1 advertising
platform in Alanya.
Join the top 5 companies in the city
2000+ companies
47 categories
3 places per category
A convenient tool for finding various organizations offering services in the city. On our page, you will find information about stores, restaurants, cafes, hotels, travel agencies, banks, medical centers, and other organizations.
Enhanced Organization Card
Extended contacts
No advertising competition
Photo and video content
Promo codes for ALANYA GO users
Receive requests in messengers
Banner advertising inside the organization directory as a gift!
Ability to display ads across related categories
Place ads on behalf of your company, let your customers see your full range of products or services. It's more profitable for business, and more convenient for customers!
Combine ads with organization card
Do it with Alanya go:
Online store
Service catalog
Real estate directory
Place ads on behalf of your company, let your customers see your full range of products or services. It's more profitable for business, and more convenient for customers!
Publish events and sell tickets
Premium publication in events section
7 days on the main page
Ticket sales feature for city events
Reminders and navigation for your event
Content marketing for communication with your audience
News for 7 days on the main page
Marketing support
Quick effect from advertising
Maximum native integration
Platform #1
for advertising placement
in Alanya