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A specialist sergeant drowned at sea in Antalya

HomeNewsA specialist sergeant drowned at sea in Antalya
25 July / DHA
A specialist sergeant drowned at sea in Antalya

Specialist Sergeant Mehmet Olgun (33), who was on vacation with his family in the Finike district of Antalya and serves in the Mardin Gendarmerie Special Operations Battalion, drowned while swimming in the sea.

The incident occurred yesterday around 20:00 in Mağaralı Cove, Finike district. Specialist Sergeant Mehmet Olgun, who serves in the Mardin Gendarmerie Special Operations Battalion and was on vacation in Finike with his wife and two children, went swimming at Mağaralı Cove. After some time swimming, witnesses noticed Olgun motionless on the water's surface and intervened to bring him ashore. Upon receiving notification, gendarmerie and Coast Guard teams arrived at the scene and provided initial assistance to Olgun. Following further medical intervention by arriving healthcare teams, Mehmet Olgun was transported to the hospital by ambulance. Despite efforts in the emergency department of Finike State Hospital, Olgun could not be saved.

After the morning autopsy conducted at the Antalya Forensic Medicine Institute, the deceased's body was handed over to his nephew. Mehmet Olgun, a member of the Mardin Gendarmerie Special Operations Battalion, was sent to the village of Kayapınar in the Gerçüş district of Batman province to be buried.

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