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The famous Salda Lake is darkening

HomeNewsThe famous Salda Lake is darkening
26 July / DHA
The famous Salda Lake is darkening

Dr. Erol Kesici, Scientific Advisor of the Nature Conservation Society of Turkey (TTKD), reported that water levels are receding in areas of Salda Lake where hydromagnesite formations, which create white islets and sandbars, are most prevalent.

Dr. Kesici stated, "It has been determined that the irregular and unattainable nature of hydromagnesite formations, and as a result, the failure to form white islets and their darkening."

Dr. Erol Kesici, Scientific Advisor of the Nature Conservation Society of Turkey (TTKD), conducted an examination at Salda Lake, which is notable for its white sandbars and turquoise color. Dr. Kesici explained that human pressure on Salda Lake has caused drying, a decrease in the formation of white rocks, and pollution. Emphasizing that Salda Lake is a world heritage due to its millions of years of history and formation, Dr. Kesici said, “Billions of dollars are spent on searching for life on other planets due to the excessive use of Earth and the inability to protect its nature. The only planet considered potentially habitable and similar to Earth is Mars. Mars's soil has characteristics similar to the hydromagnesite rock formations found at Salda Lake. These rock formations are formed at Salda Lake as a result of biomineralization (white soils). The formations at Salda Lake are very valuable for assessing the potential habitability of Mars and for research.”


Dr. Kesici pointed out that Lake Salda is an important value, representing exceptional examples of terrestrial, freshwater, coastal, and marine ecosystems, as well as plant and animal communities, and their ongoing significant ecological and biological processes of evolution and development. He also noted that the lake harbors genetic resources, which are a crucial treasure for uncovering the secrets of life, due to the endemic plant and animal species living there. Dr. Kesici stated that, from a scientific perspective, Lake Salda has exceptional universal value and is a shared heritage of all humanity, and that recent events have shown that the lake’s value has not been properly recognized.


Dr. Erol Kesici stated that Salda is a closed basin lake. He explained, "Closed basin lakes store all types of pollution that enter their water and cannot expel it. They cannot self-cleanse. Therefore, they are very sensitive and fragile, quickly becoming polluted. If the few species living there are not protected, the lake can begin to smell, its white sedimentary structures can disappear, and the turquoise color of the water can fade. Pollution and drought are contagious. Removing pollution and bacterial contamination from a lake like Salda, which is 180 meters deep and has a sensitive ecosystem, is almost impossible. The construction of dams and ponds on the streams feeding the lake, along with surrounding drought and blocked water flow, has severely impacted the lake in every aspect.


Dr. Kesici explained that Salda Lake's existence is interconnected with its shoreline, surrounding forests, birds, animals, plants, the streams feeding into it, groundwater, and mountains. He said, “If these components are protected, Salda Lake will also be protected. However, these components around the lake are rapidly decreasing one by one. The construction of roads, encroachments on the shore, shopping, increased vehicle traffic, exhaust gases, picnicking, and activities in surrounding villages, along with infrastructure inadequacies, are increasing the structures that provide access to the lake's pristine areas and waters, such as roads, and these cannot be controlled. People can easily access almost every point of Salda Lake, leaving negative (pollution-darkening) traces. In addition to this dirty usage around the lake, the unfortunately increasing, uncontrolled legal and illegal drilling wells, combined with drought in the basin, are causing darkening in the sensitive shoreline areas of the lake, with large cracks and pits forming in the darkened areas.


Dr. Erol Kesici explained that problems around Lake Salda started due to water drawdowns in areas where magnesium sources, or hydromagnesite formations, are most prevalent. "It has been determined that irregular and unachievable hydromagnesite formations result in the failure to form the white islets we call stromatolites (layered clusters), leading to their darkening. One of the most interesting stromatolite formations we identified in the coastal region is the clusters of hydromagnesite attached to a large branch of a tree that was dragged into the lake. It is similar to the sedimentary structures in Pamukkale. This is why we have been warning for years: 'Do not step on the shores of Lake Salda with your feet or shoes. The white deposits there have living properties, and if you step on them, you will hinder their development and reproduction, effectively killing them.' This branch of the tree is sending a message once again. 'If your feet or hands touch the waters of the lake's shores, they will not be able to cling to the shore as they cling to me; all the shores will be deprived of this whiteness.' Today, the sections of Lake Salda's shores that have been touched by human feet, hands, waste, saliva, sweat, debris, and the horses of mounted police officers have turned dark. The lake water in these coastal areas has become increasingly slimy due to the rise in bacterial activity," he said.


Dr. Kesici pointed out that hydromagnesite formations, which were previously unseen by human feet, are now visibly present in large masses along the shoreline and within the water. "The lake's clarity and its unique turquoise color are seen in their best form. What is troubling is that in this sensitive world heritage site like Lake Salda, vehicle and human traffic on the mountain trail road, which was constructed years ago and recently made more attractive with asphalt, has been steadily increasing. It has been observed that people have been picnicking and using the shorelines as beaches in these areas. Despite numerous laws and regulations enacted to protect Lake Salda, its use has been increasingly promoted as an attraction, exposing it to unsanctioned human pressure" .


Dr. Erol Kesici emphasized that the natural resilience of Lake Salda is rapidly diminishing due to increased human and vehicle traffic, the rise in drilling wells, uncontrolled pressure from agriculture and tourism, and the surrounding ecosystem losses. He made the following warnings:

"If we do not stop the efforts to turn Lake Salda into an attraction, we will lose it very soon. Let no one say afterward that the cause was global warming, climate crisis, or drought. The real cause is humans cutting the golden-egg-laying hen in their haste to get rich quickly. Salda should remain a center of science, tourism attraction, and museum of the world. In this sense, its allure will increase. Otherwise, it is not money but Lake Salda that is everything. Protecting it and preserving it as a scientific center and world heritage is in our hands. Let our feet, vehicles, hands, and bodies not touch Salda, but let our eyes see it. Loving Salda from a distance is very important and valuable for ensuring that future generations will also love it."

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