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Look at what they threw into the water! In Alanya, they captured hearts

HomeNewsLook at what they threw into the water! In Alanya, they captured hearts
11 September / Gazete Alanya
Look at what they threw into the water! In Alanya, they captured hearts

In Alanya, a cafе has shown a remarkable example of sensitivity by offering iced water to street cats during the hot weather.

A cafе operating in Alanya has taken a compassionate step towards street cats suffering under the scorching heat. The café owner has placed bowls of iced water outside the establishment, providing a chance for the street cats to cool down.

This meaningful gesture has been appreciated by both animal lovers and the people of Alanya. The news, which spread on social media, has encouraged other businesses to adopt similar practices.

“The animals are struggling in this heat too, so we wanted to provide them with some relief,” said the café owner, setting an example for the community with this action.

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