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Good news for landowners from the ministry: vacant land in Alanya will start generating income

HomeNewsGood news for landowners from the ministry: vacant land in Alanya will start generating income
16 September / Alanya Medya Haber
Good news for landowners from the ministry: vacant land in Alanya will start generating income

With a new regulation from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, efforts will be made to lease and bring vacant land into agricultural use. Under

this initiative, vacant agricultural land in Alanya will be utilized. How will these processes be carried out?

Vacant Land to be Reintroduced to Agriculture

Farmers or landowners who leave their plots unused for various reasons may inadvertently contribute to a decline in agricultural production. The lack of cultivation on vacant land leads to significant soil infertility issues.

Preventing Soil Erosion

Soil erosion and other factors cause the fertile upper layer of the soil to be lost, especially in vacant areas. To address this, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry will identify vacant agricultural lands in provinces and districts.

Rent Payments to Landowners

A specific rental fee will be set for the identified agricultural lands. Farmers who pay this rental fee will gain the right to cultivate the land. Landowners will receive the designated rental payments.

This measure aims to increase agricultural production and protect the land, preventing damage caused by wild plants growing on neglected plots.

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