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In Alanya, baby loggerhead turtles continue to meet the blue waters

HomeNewsIn Alanya, baby loggerhead turtles continue to meet the blue waters
18 September / İHA
In Alanya, baby loggerhead turtles continue to meet the blue waters

In the Alanya district of Antalya, baby loggerhead turtles that emerged from their nests met the blue waters and took their first strokes towards freedom.

At the beaches of Yeşilöz and Uğrak, which are among the most important nesting areas in Antalya, the hatchlings of loggerhead turtles continue to reach the sea following the nesting period that began in May. While dozens of hatchlings break out of their eggs and head toward the sea, local volunteer environmentalist Güldane Şahin assisted the turtles until they reached the water. The journey of the hatchlings to the sea was captured on a mobile phone camera. "The hatchlings coming out of the nests continue to meet the sea".

Güldane Şahin, who has voluntarily protected loggerhead turtle nesting sites for many years, stated, "This year we have many loggerhead turtle nests, and the hatchlings from these nests continue to meet the sea. By the end of September, almost all of the hatchlings will have reached the sea. I hope that next year, during the loggerhead season, we can professionally protect all our nests and hatchlings".

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