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A warning has been issued: Do not trust every private tutor

HomeNewsA warning has been issued: Do not trust every private tutor
18 September / Alanya Medya Haber
A warning has been issued: Do not trust every private tutor

In Alanya, the increase in the number of private tutors operating without documentation is raising concerns among parents and students. Authorities emphasize that taking lessons from teachers approved by the Ministry of Education (MEB) is more reliable in terms of both educational quality and legal security.

Recently, the rise in the number of undocumented private tutors in Alanya has become a concern for parents and students. Although these online lessons may seem attractive due to their low prices, they lead to a decrease in educational quality and can cause legal issues. The Ministry of Education (MEB) has warned parents about the legal risks associated with taking lessons from unlicensed teachers and the potential negative impact on exam success.

MEB-approved teachers are presented as experienced professionals with pedagogical training who provide education in accordance with the curriculum. It is emphasized that taking lessons from such teachers can contribute to success in important exams like LGS and YKS. MEB stresses that for quality education, parents should prefer teachers with documentation and also calls for reporting unauthorized educational activities through the ministry's website.

It is noted that taking lessons from undocumented teachers not only decreases the quality of education but can also lead to legal problems. Parents are advised to check the credentials of the teachers they plan to take lessons from and to seek reliable references. Choosing MEB-approved courses is important for both legal security and improving students' success rates. The need for caution regarding unlicensed private tutors is emphasized.

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