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A TÜBİTAK-supported robot project was introduced

HomeNewsA TÜBİTAK-supported robot project was introduced
19 September / ALKÜ Bülten
A TÜBİTAK-supported robot project was introduced

Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University (ALKÜ) Faculty of Engineering Rafet Kayış, Department of Computer Engineering, introduced the "Takdik-Rob: Humanoid Robot Project Trained by Imitation," which has received support from TÜBİTAK. The presentation was made by Dean Prof. Dr. Erhan Cengiz, accompanied by Rector Prof. Dr. Kenan Ahmet Türkdoğan.

Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University (ALKÜ) continues to sign groundbreaking projects in scientific research. Most recently, the project "Takdik-Rob" by Dr. Özge Öztimur Karadağ from the ALKÜ Faculty of Engineering has been awarded TÜBİTAK 3501 support. Software will be installed on the pre-prepared humanoid robot NAO to enable it to recognize human movements and respond appropriately. The project will use a learning model based on imitation. Following the support received, Dean Prof. Dr. Erhan Cengiz, along with Dr. Özge Öztimur Karadağ and Research Assistant Ali Çoban, visited Rector Prof. Dr. Kenan Ahmet Türkdoğan in his office. The meeting was also attended by Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kılıç and Prof. Dr. Atıf Bayramoğlu.


The project "Takdik-Rob: Humanoid Robot Trained by Imitation," which has received support from the TÜBİTAK 3501-Career Development Program, was presented in detail to Rector Türkdoğan by Dean Prof. Dr. Erhan Cengiz, Dr. Özge Öztimur, and Research Assistant Ali Çoban. Dr. Özge Öztimur stated about the project, "In our TÜBİTAK project, we are working with the humanoid robot NAO. We aim to enable the robot to imitate human movements. After acquiring these abilities, we will ensure that the robot can produce its own movements based on what it has observed. Thus, when given a command, the robot will be able to perform previously learned movements according to the situation. We have a two-year timeframe for the project. Researchers from our university, as well as from Atatürk University and the Middle East Technical University, will also participate in the project. Research will be conducted by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Barış Özyer and Dr. Özge Tümüklü Özyer from Atatürk University, and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Fatoş Yarman Vural and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erol Şahin from METU. Teaching Assistant Emre Çintaş, Research Assistant Ali Çoban, and Uğur Kılıç, along with undergraduate students Serhat Ulaş Sarı and Halil İbrahim Taşkömür, will be involved in the research within the project. Our goal is to train humanoid robots to imitate human movements and thereby gain the ability to perform specific tasks. This process will contribute to the robots interacting with humans in a more natural and effective way," she said.


After receiving detailed information about the project, Rector Türkdoğan emphasized that this would be a very important step for our country. He stated that the robot would be primarily used in education and promotional activities with the AI-based software to be installed on it. Rector Türkdoğan congratulated Prof. Dr. Erhan Cengiz, Dr. Özge Öztimur Karadağ, and their team, wishing them success in their work.

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