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The most preferred and sought-after professions in Alanya!

HomeNewsThe most preferred and sought-after professions in Alanya!
19 September / Alanya Medya Haber
The most preferred and sought-after professions in Alanya!

In Alanya, the job market offers young people wide career opportunities in sectors such as automotive, beauty, furniture design, interior development, and industry. These areas are among the new sectors where job opportunities are increasing.

With the slowdown in the tourism and construction sectors, the job market in Alanya is evolving in a different direction, and there is a rapidly growing need for qualified personnel, especially in automotive, beauty, furniture design, interior development, and industry sectors.

These changing market conditions provide young people with new opportunities to guide their careers. Employers are struggling to find trained personnel in fields such as automotive, electronics, hairdressing, beauty therapy, electrical engineering, and metal technology, often having to train their own staff. The interior development sector also offers broad job opportunities for vocational school graduates, while industry and design sectors stand out as key growth areas for Alanya's future. As the demand for workers in tourism and construction decreases, job opportunities in other sectors are on the rise. Due to a decline in interest in vocational schools, there is a shortage of qualified personnel. It is recommended to receive education in fields like automotive, beauty, and furniture design, as well as to keep up with developments in interior development and industrial-design sectors. Focusing on vocational schools is also an important step for specialization in these sectors. This dynamic environment opens new doors for those looking to build careers in various fields, especially for young people who increase their chances of finding jobs by receiving vocational training.

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