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Many of our babies had lost their lives: Here are the hospitals that collaborated with the Newborn gang

HomeNewsMany of our babies had lost their lives: Here are the hospitals that collaborated with the Newborn gang
18 October / Кarar
Many of our babies had lost their lives: Here are the hospitals that collaborated with the Newborn gang

Among the health scandals in Istanbul, a criminal organization responsible for the deaths of newborns has been uncovered. In a case involving 47 individuals, 22 of whom are in custody, a 494-page indictment has been prepared, filled with chilling details. The indictment states that the criminal organization collaborated with 112 Emergency Call Center employees to direct babies requiring urgent care to private hospitals with which they had agreements, leading to infant deaths.

The indictment prepared as a result of the investigation conducted by the Büyükçekmece Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office revealed that the criminal organization misrepresented the health status of babies to prolong their hospital stays, resulting in high fees collected through the SGK (Social Security Institution). It also mentioned that additional money was taken from the patients' relatives for financial gain.

Babies Infected and Dying

The indictment states that babies died from infections due to being kept in unsuitable conditions in hospitals. It emphasizes that the main aim of the criminal organization was to obtain financial profit, and that healthcare services were primarily provided by nurses, with doctors being insufficiently involved in the process.

Chilling Phone Records

The indictment also highlights phone conversations among members of the criminal organization. In particular, a conversation involving one nurse stating, "Kill Mehtap; how can a child have a saturation of 50?" sparked outrage.

Hospitals Mentioned in the Case

The criminal organization rented and operated the neonatal intensive care units of many private hospitals in Istanbul. Significant health institutions among them include Avcılar Hospital, Medilife Bağcılar and Beylikdüzü, Reyap Istanbul, and Çorlu, Özel Şafak Hastaneleri.

Severe Penalties for Suspects Responsible for Infant Deaths

The indictment holds 21 individuals responsible for the deaths of infants, and requests a total prison sentence of up to 582 years for the suspects on charges of "intentional killing through negligent behavior." Additionally, it has been proposed to close the hospitals and companies that aided the criminal organization and to confiscate their assets.

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