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Critical Iodine Warning from ALKÜ for Pregnant Women and Children

HomeNewsCritical Iodine Warning from ALKÜ for Pregnant Women and Children
21 October / Haber Merkezi
Critical Iodine Warning from ALKÜ for Pregnant Women and Children

On October 21, in a statement made as part of the Global Iodine Deficiency Disorders Prevention Day, Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University (ALKÜ) Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Meltem Soylu emphasized the importance of iodine consumption, especially for pregnant women and children.

Iodine is known as a vital mineral used in the production of thyroid hormones, which also plays a role in regulating the functions of the nervous system, body temperature, and energy. Experts state that iodine deficiency negatively affects brain development and can lead to growth and developmental disorders. Despite iodine being found in foods such as seafood, dairy products, meat, eggs, and spinach, these sources are insufficient to meet daily needs. In her statement made on the Global Iodine Deficiency Disorders Prevention Day, Prof. Dr. Meltem Soylu, Head of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at the Faculty of Health Sciences of Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University (ALKÜ), emphasized the importance of iodine use and provided information on what should be considered. Prof. Dr. Soylu said, “Iodine deficiency causes growth retardation and intellectual disability in infants and children and leads to conditions such as goiter and hypothyroidism in all age groups.” She also emphasized that iodine deficiency limits the intellectual capacity of societies, negatively impacting social and economic development.


Prof. Dr. Soylu pointed out that iodine is a fundamental mineral for the production of thyroid hormones in the body and added, “When the need for iodine is not met, the synthesis of thyroid hormone is disrupted, resulting in a range of functional and developmental abnormalities known as iodine deficiency disorders and hypothyroidism. Iodine deficiency causes growth and developmental delays in infants and children, and their IQ levels are at least 13.5 points lower than their peers. Iodine deficiency leads to goiter and hypothyroidism in all age groups. From this perspective, iodine deficiency is a global public health issue and poses a threat to the social and economic development of countries.” Soylu emphasized that the body does not produce iodine, so it must be regularly taken from external sources through food.


Prof. Dr. Soylu explained that iodine deficiency in Turkey is caused by the reduction of naturally occurring iodine in the soil due to erosion and rainfall. “This results in low levels of iodine in agricultural products and animal-based foods,” she said. Soylu also noted that since 1994, the Ministry of Health has been implementing the "Prevention of Iodine Deficiency Diseases and Salt Iodization Program" to combat iodine deficiency in Turkey. “Since 1998, the addition of potassium iodate to table salt has been mandatory. This has been a very important step in preventing iodine deficiency in our country. However, according to data from the 2017 National Nutrition and Health Survey conducted at a national level, only 66.5% of the population in Turkey uses iodized salt at home. The World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health recommend that adults consume less than 5 grams of salt per day, but this salt must be iodized,” Soylu added.


Prof. Dr. Soylu emphasized that the need for iodine increases during pregnancy and that consuming iodized salt alone cannot meet this need. Pregnant women should definitely consult a specialist regarding iodine supplementation. Prof. Dr. Soylu said, “It is not recommended to use gourmet salts such as rock salt, Himalayan salt, and various flavored salts marketed as healthier options, as their iodine content is variable. Due to the increased need, pregnant women cannot meet their iodine requirements with daily consumption of iodized salt. Therefore, it is crucial for pregnant women to consult their doctors regarding iodine supplementation.”


Soylu highlighted that improper storage of iodized salt reduces its effectiveness. “Iodized salt should be stored in dark-colored glass jars that do not allow light to pass through, with the lid tightly closed. It should be kept away from moisture and heat, especially not stored near the stove. Iodized salt should be added after the food is cooked, not during the cooking process,” she concluded.

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