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Antalya's symbol will shine again!

HomeNewsAntalya's symbol will shine again!
25 July / İHA
Antalya's symbol will shine again!

Hadrian's Gate, which sheds light on Antalya's history, will shine again. Following historical cleaning efforts, it will be restored and illuminated to return to its former glory.

In honor of Roman Emperor Hadrian's visit to Antalya, cleaning operations have begun at Hadrian's Gate, constructed on the city walls surrounding the city. After the cleaning process, restoration is planned for this symbol of Antalya, the Three Gates, followed by an illumination project.

The efforts to shed light on Antalya's history through Hadrian's Gate are meticulously carried out by expert teams under the Antalya Investment Monitoring and Coordination Directorate (YİKOB) to ensure its preservation and accessibility for future generations in a healthier condition. Initiatives have begun to clean the gate of plants, dust, and pollution from exhaust emissions to safeguard the monument and transfer it intact to future generations. The project aims to clean motifs and patterns from years of accumulated dirt to enhance their visibility, and to illuminate sections that have darkened over time. The Antalya Governorate's Investment Monitoring and Coordination Directorate (YİKOB) announced the commencement of cleaning efforts around the structure.

"Following the restoration of Hadrian's Gate, it will be illuminated," according to a statement by YİKOB:

"Currently, cleaning work is underway, scaffolding has been installed, and security measures have been taken. Initially, due to the structure's exposure to external factors, our goal is to carry out cleaning work for protective purposes and to enhance the structure's durability. Our current task is solely focused on cleaning the gate and preventing damage to the stones from chemical substances. Once the cleaning work is completed, lighting installation will also take place. Comprehensive restoration work requires time and a holistic approach; therefore, we need time to develop a proper project rather than evaluating Three Gates as a standalone project. We will commence project activities within the year, followed by extensive repairs. A project needs to be prepared for evaluation alongside the city walls."

Hadrian's Gate - Symbol of Antalya

Built on the city walls surrounding Antalya in honor of the visit by Roman Emperor Hadrian in 130 AD, the monumental triumphal arch known as Hadrian's Gate stands among the iconic landmarks of the tourism city Antalya. Also known as the 'Three Gates', the lower part of the gate underwent extensive restoration in 1959 to restore it to its original state. The gate remains a popular site for both local residents and foreign tourists visiting the city to visit and take photographs.

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