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Ali Şahin's 'New Road' meeting

HomeNewsAli Şahin's 'New Road' meeting
17 October / Ramazan Özdemir
Ali Şahin's 'New Road' meeting

Alanya Municipal Council Member Ali Şahin met with local muhtars following the request to open a road in the western part of Alanya at the recent council meeting.

During the October Ordinary Meeting of the Alanya Municipal Council, Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Council Member Ali Şahin proposed opening a new road in the western part of Alanya, stating that it would significantly alleviate traffic. Continuing his efforts on this matter, Şahin held an informational meeting with muhtars and politicians. The meeting was attended by the former mayor of Konaklı, Abdullah Sönmez, a member of the Alanya Municipality from the Good Party (İYİ Parti), Murat Demir, the muhtar of Dinek neighborhood, İsmail Kızılışık, the muhtar of Elikesik neighborhood, Ahmet Kaya, the muhtar of Payallar neighborhood, and Kadir Zararsız, the muhtar of Hacımehmetli neighborhood.

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