Healthcare professionals gathered at a concert in Alanya

As part of the March 14 Medicine Day celebrations, the "Turkish Music Choir", composed of healthcare professionals, gave a musical feast for hospital staff. Participants of the event, which brought together healthcare workers, enjoyed a delightful time.
The musical performance, held in the hospital's conference hall, began with a minute of silence and the national anthem.
The chief physician, Associate Professor Dr. Güler, delivered the opening speech of the event, highlighting the significance and history of March 14 Medicine Day. He congratulated all his colleagues who dedicate themselves to their profession with great devotion.
Addressing the choir members, Associate Professor Dr. Yılmaz Güler expressed his gratitude: "I would like to especially thank Conductor Hadi Cantemur and all the choir members who, despite their demanding work schedules, prepared with great dedication and seriousness. I wish everyone an enjoyable evening!"