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Stay away in Alanya! The fine for damaging can be as much as the cost of a car

HomeNewsStay away in Alanya! The fine for damaging can be as much as the cost of a car
16 September / Haber Merkezi
Stay away in Alanya! The fine for damaging can be as much as the cost of a car

On the beaches of Alanya, naturally occurring endemic sea lilies (Pancratium maritimum) are under strict protection due to the risk of extinction. It is forbidden to pick these rare plants and export their bulbs abroad. The fine for violations, which was 244,315 TL in 2023, has been increased to 387,141 TL in 2024 to enhance deterrence.

Alanya’s famous Yeşilöz Beach is one of the places where sea lilies are most densely found. Local environmentalists protect the lilies by surrounding them with stones and fences to prevent damage.

Güldane Şahin, one of the volunteer environmentalists leading the conservation efforts for the sea lilies in the region, said: "For years, we have been working to protect both the Caretta caretta turtles and the sea lilies. We inform the authorities that our beaches need to be protected more professionally." Additionally, with protection materials provided by the Alanya Nature Conservation Office, environmentalists continue to safeguard these rare plants by creating fences and strips.

Environmentalists emphasize the importance of nature conservation and stress that for both the development of tourism and the protection of natural life in Alanya, everyone needs to be vigilant. Endemic plants like the sea lilies are among the most valuable examples of our region's natural wealth.

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